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{:fr}Assemblée Générale 2020{:}{:en}CALL FOR MEETING{:}

{:fr} 2 juin 2020 à 20 heures (heure du Cameroun) .

Ordre du jour  :
1) Arrivée des participants
2) Tour de micro
3) Mot d’accueil du président de séance
4) Rapport de l’exercice 2018-2020 (Président de MedCamer)
5) Questions – Réponses
6) Résultats du vote en ligne de  la proposition d’adoption des textes révisés
7) Mise en place/Vote de la commission électorale MedElect
8) Informations diverses

Statuts MEDCAMER Version 2020 votés à l’AG 2020

Règlement Intérieur MEDCAMER Version 2020 votés à l’AG 2020{:}{:en}Dear members,
As agreed, through the series of messages that went round these past days, our general assembly will be held on June 2, 2020 at 8 p.m. (Cameroon time).

The agenda will be as follows:
1) Arrival and installation of participants – 2 min
2) Roll call (civilities) – 3 min
3) Word of welcome by the chairman – 5 min
4) Review speech of the 2018-2020 exercise by MedCamer’s president – 15 min
5) Questions – Answers – 20 min
6) Results of the online vote on the adoption of the revised texts – 5 min
7) Establishment of the electoral commission (MedElect) – 15 min
8) Miscellaneous information – 10 min


For this exercise, each member is requested to have the ZOOM application on smartphone or computer, and a good internet connection.

The link to the virtual meeting room will be shared 24 hours before the start of the meeting on all our platforms.


Important notice: With regard to the votes (Statutory texts of MedCamer and MedElect Bureau), only the members up to date with their annual contributions have the right to express their voice.

The link’s vote will be made available 48 hours before the general assembly.

Kind regards,
Dr SAWA Brice, SG MedCamer{:}


Ngounou Nzietchueng Caline